The largest project in our experience has been Economics:
An Interactive Study Guide by Brian Chapman published in
July 1997 by Addison Wesley Longman (ISBN 0 7339 0186 7), being a
computer-based adaptation of the entire first year textbook Economics
by Waud, Maxwell, Hocking, Bonnici and Ward (ISBN 006 312156 5). It
features animated graphs and diagrams together with the presentation of
text according to the self-organising, self-summarising QED style,
i.e., core static text hyperlinked to pop-up textual, graphic,
animation and simulation resources.

Other completed projects include:
Heart Sounds.
Prepared for the Faculty of Medicince, Nursing and Health Sciences at
Monash University, featuring original heart sounds presented aurally
and graphically with hyperlinked tutorial information and animations
showing the functions of the heart valves under normal conditions and
under four disease states (Developer: Brian chapman. Completed 2010,
Revised 2011 ).

- Resistors.
A virtual experiment for Gippsland Medical School's Foundations of
Biomedical Sciences Mordule 3, allowing interactive study of the
behaviour of resistances in series and in parallel (Developer: Brian
Chapman. Completed December 2007).
- pH Buffering.
A virtual experiment for Gippsland Medical School's Foundations of
Biomedical Sciences Mordule 3, allowing interactive study of acid-base
titration curves in the presence of pH buffers (Developer: Brian
Chapman. Completed December 2007).
Simulation .
A virtual experiment for the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health
Sciences at Monash University, allowing interactive study of the
influences of compliance, resistance and blood volume on blood flow and
blood pressure within the cardiovascular system (Developer: Brian
Chapman. Completed February 2008).
Distortions and International Trade Policy.
An interactive CD-ROM for use by teachers of international trade theory
in undergraduate economics. Produced for the Department of Economics,
Monash University, this software produces dynamic representations of
preferences, technology and economic behaviour by using explicit
mathematical methods to drive the animations and yield tabulated
numerical results (Developer: Brian Chapman. Completed June 2004).
Circuit Builder.
An interactive CD-ROM providing structured learning experiences in the
construction of circuits to support a course entitled "Electronics and
Instrumentation in Chemistry" for the Department of Chemistry, Monash
University. The application is extensible by the client to support the
introduction of new circuits at runtime (Developers: Hugh Kelly and
Brian Chapman. Completed April 2002).

These CD-ROMs presents the tests exactly as in the
examinations, requiring the user to record his or her voice or
hand-clapping, or to answer questions interactively. All exercises also
allow the user to compare his or her answer with the correct answer
either sequentially or synchronously. The entire AMEB Syllabus from
Preliminary to Licentiate is divided into six titles as follows:
- Preliminary and First Grade
- Second Grade
- Third Grade
- Fourth Grade
- Fifth Grade
- Sixth Grade to Licentiate
- (including
Seventh Grade, Eighth Grade and Associate)

This application presents text, images and
interactive simulations pertaining to the following topic:
- About science and its ways of knowing
- The validation process
- Measurement, significance and uncertainty
- Summarising simple data
- Experimental design
- Sample surveys
- The normal distribution
- Modelling data
- Mathematical modelling.

This CD-ROM covers 12 topics as follows:
Part 1: Revision of basic concepts
Definition of pH
Acids and bases
The Henderson-Hasselbach equation
pH buffers
Buffering capacity
Part 2: Acid-base homeostasis in the body
Severe acidosis and alkalosis are life-threatening
Non-carbonate buffers
The carbonate buffering system
Interaction between carbonate buffers and pH control
Compensation for respiratory acidosis
pH homeostasis depends on the interaction of three
Other disturbances in acid-base balance
of the Australian Music Examinations Board,
Pianoforte Series 14, Second Grade,
combined CD-Audio/CD-ROM including prescribed works, technical work,
general knowledge and aural tests for Tonart Productions (Author,
Designer and Developer: Brian Chapman. Completed September 2000).

a multimedia CD-ROM using voice-over combined with the QED style of
text presentation, being courseware for a Master's degree prepared for
the Department of Chemical Engineering, Monash University (Developer:
Brian Chapman. Completed June 2000).
This CD-ROM comprises 13 lectures and 3 case
studies as follows:
Cleaner production: basic concepts and scope
Waste identification and minimisation in reactor
Waste identification and minimisation in utility systems
Waste identification and minimisation in separation
Emissions not evident from process flowsheets
Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
LCA steps further explained
Review of LCA: Some difficulties, uncertainties and
Case study 1: Hydrotreating
Case study 2: Life cycle inventory data for utilities
Materials recycling
Legislative framework for cleaner production
Economic aspects of cleaner production
Case study 3: Replacement of old process plants
Environmental management systems
Industrial ecology
of the Australian Music Examinations Board,
Pianoforte Series 13 First Grade and
Second Grade, combined CD-Audio/CD-ROMs including prescribed
works, technical work, general knowledge and aural tests for Tonart
Productions (Author, Designer and Developer: Brian Chapman. Completed
May 2000).

ENG1603 Engineering Systems, an
interactive CD-ROM for 1st-year students in Monash University's Faculty
of Engineering, containing simulations of virtual experiments that
illustrate the main classifications of mathematical equations used to
describe engineering systems (Developer: Brian Chapman. Completed March

This CD-ROM comprises 4 main sections as follows:
Engineering applications of ordinary differential
Partial differentiation
Matrices and linear systems of equations
Physics Concepts and Simulations: Part A -
(ISBN 0 7326 2062 7), 10 modules containing
structured virtual experiments, dynamic visualisations and interactive
tasks for Monash University's Department of Physics (Developers: Brian
Chapman and Hugh Kelly. Completed March 2000).

This CD-ROM comprises 10 modules as follows:
Forces and Newton's Laws
Energy and momentum
Electricity and DC circuits
Electrical measurements using an oscilloscope
Waves 1: Interference effects
Waves 2: Refraction and diffraction
Energy levels in atoms
Concepts and Simulations: Part C - Electrostatics,
Magnetism and Modern Physics (ISBN 0 7326
2061 9), 12 modules containing structured virtual
experiments, dynamic visualisations and interactive tasks for Monash
University's Department of Physics (Developers: Brian Chapman, Phillip
Tran and Hugh Kelly. Completed September 1999).

This CD-ROM comprises 12 modules as follows:
Electric fields and forces
Gauss's law
Electric potential
Capacitors and dielectrics
Forces on moving charge in a magnetic field
The Biot Savart law
Ampère's law
Induced emf in a loop moving in a magnetic field
Coils, magnetic fields and Faraday's law
Photons and the photoelectric effect
Particles as waves
Energy levels and quantum states
Distributed Circuit Simulation,
a virtual experiment with interactive control of 7 adjustable
parameters for study of pulse propagation and reflection in distributed
circuits for RMIT University's Department of Communication and
Electronic Engineering (Developer: Brian Chapman. Completed July 1999).

What management is really about,
comprising video clips of different facets of modern management
presented by leading management experts at the Monash Mt Eliza Business
School, and linked into a dynamic multimedia presentation interface
(Designer and Developer: Brian Chapman. Completed March 1999).
Engineering Mechanics, 20
interactive lectures in dynamics for Monash University's Department of
Mechanical Engineering (Developers: Anthony Fernando, Hugh Kelly,
Phillip Tran and Brian Chapman. Completed March 1998, revised March
1999). This software was awarded the 1999 Motorola Award for Innovation
in Engineering Education by the Australian Association for Engineering

This CD-ROM comprises 20 interactive lectures as
Introduction to mechanics
Vector mechanics
Rigid body rotation
Elasticity and springs
Free vibrations
Undamped forced vibrations
Damped forced vibrations
Introduction to mechanisms
Velocity analysis I
Velocity analysis II
Acceleration analysis I
Acceleration analysis II
Mechanism: synthesis
Gears: an introduction
Gear trains
Epicyclic gear trains
Gearing applications
Belt drives
Traction lift
Physics Concepts and Simulations: Part B -
Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves (ISBN 0 7326 2060 0), 12
modules containing structured virtual experiments, dynamic
visualisations and interactive tasks for Monash University's Department
of Physics (Developers: Brian Chapman and Hugh Kelly. Completed March

This CD-ROM comprises 12 modules as follows:
Friction and force problems
Circular motion
Linear momentum
Rotational motion
Angular momentum
Simple harmonic motion
Damped and forced oscillations
Waves transmit energy
The Doppler effect
Thin film interference

This CD-ROM comprises 17 chapters as follows:
Management Accounting
The management accountant
Strategic planning
Costing 1: full costing
Costing 2: marginal costing
Costing 3: pricing and product mix decisions
Costing 4: activity-based costing
Investment appraisal
Budgetary control
2 Financial Accounting
Financial accounting: the business model
Measuring profit
The balance sheet
Cash flow
Interpreting financial statements:
measuring business performance
Interpreting financial statements:
managerial performance measures
Financial institutions and the stock exchange
Stock exchange performance measures

This CD-ROM comprises 7 main sections as follows:
Waste in the linear economy
Mass balances without chemical reaction
Methane-to-methanol process
Mass balances with chemical reaction
Energy balance with steady flow
Heat transfer and heat exchangers